I'm a finalist for Singapore Blog Awards 2014!

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Ever since I started this blog in June 2013, it has been a no-point-of-return journey. I've faced physical threats of being stabbed by my fellow diners' forks if I took more than 1 second to photograph the food, as well as emotional panic attacks from checking the weighing scale. But nothing can stand between me and my passion for delicious food and writing.

So I was touched and honoured to find out that my little corner on the WWW was shortlisted from almost 100 other blogs as one of the top 10 finalists for Best New Blog category in this year's Singapore Blog Awards! 

I would like to thank the judges for thinking that my blog has inspiring and entertaining content, as well as good presentation (that made up 70% of the total final score). The remaining 30% of my unknown fate lies in your fingers - based on public votes and voting starts now till 31 July 3pm

If you think my blog is not bad, or if you are in a good mood, pls vote for Weekend Eat What here, under the Best New Blog category. You can only vote 1 time each day. You can vote every day too. I'll love ya for that :)) 

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